Conference on “Migration, Diaspora and Development in Albania and in the Western Balkans” is supported by the CEI (Central European Initiative). The organiser of the conference is Center for Economic and Social Studies (CESS), Tirana, which is part of the Western Balkans Migration Network (WB-MIGNET), in collaboration with Private Mediterranean University of Albania.
The themes of the conference are clear from its title: the relationship between migration, diaspora and development in Albania and the Western Balkans. It is expected that particular foci for papers will be questions relating to savings and remittances, return migration, brain drain/brain gain and developmentally productive links with the region’s diasporic populations. Papers should be based on research evidence (surveys, primary and secondary data analysis), or address questions of diaspora-development theory or policy in the region. Papers which compare the experiences of two or more countries are also welcome.
Keynote speakers:
Prof. Russell King, University of Sussex
Prof. Aija Lulle, University of Latvia
Dr. Ferruccio Pastore, International and European Forum on Migration Research, Turin