The Sixth Scientific Conference with International Participation “Economy of Integration” , ICEI 2019, (E)MIGRATIONS AND COMPETITIVENESS OF SOUTH-EASTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES will take place on December 5th – 7th, 2019 in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Conference is organized by the Faculty of Economics,University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina,and co-organizers Faculty of Economics, University of J. J. Strossmayer, Croatia, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor, Slovenia, Belgrade Banking Academy, Belgrade, Serbia, Faculty of Economics in Podgorica, Montenegro, and Faculty of Economics Prilep, University of “Sv. Kliment Ohridski“,North Macedonia .
Purpose of the Conference
(E) migrations have taken a central stage in the debate on public policies in Europe today. Although some evidence of a positive economic, social, and cultural impact of migrations on receiving countries have been found, the impact on countries of origin remains unclear. By sharing ideas and experiences through critical thinking, the 6 th International Scientific Conference ICEI 2019 aims to provide answers on how to improve competitiveness by overcoming negative trends of (e)migrations in terms of:
- enhancing institutions and policies to create an environment that motivates people to stay in the country and attract qualified workers from other countries;
- promoting usage of remittances for investment rather than spending;
- mitigation of negative fiscal impacts;
- creating favorable and more efficient business environment in the national and regional context;
- maintaining economic stability and boosting job creation;
- increasing the quality of the existing workforce by modernizing education;
- building the capacity for innovation through strengthening university- industry cooperation in R&D and innovation, etc.
Important dates
Abstract submission – extended: July 19th, 2019
Notification of abstract acceptance: July 31st, 2019
Paper submission: September 15th, 2019
Notification of paper acceptance: September 30th, 2019
Date of the Conference: December 5th -7th, 2019
Conference themes
Paper submissions are invited on topics related to the following fields:
- Economic inequality, financial crisis and stagnation
- Enigma of economic growth
- Tourism and sustainable economic development
- Economic demographics and regional development
- Markets’ competitiveness
- Economics of digital transformation
- Entrepreneurial and innovative ecosystem
- Human capital and competitiveness
- More than a decade after the global crisis – lessons learned or lost time
- The role of financial infrastructure in economic development
- New trends in econometrics
- Ever-changing job market: new professions, skills shortage and recent
SEE migrations - Accounting, auditing and competitiveness
- Audit and reporting standards in strengthening the institutional
environment - Business dynamics in the context of the 4th industrial revolution
- Destination marketing and competitiveness
- Economic and demographic statistics
- Future of European integration processes
In addition, papers from related thematic areas will also be considered
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