Mehmetaj, N., Zulfiu Alili, M. (2021). Employment of Economics Graduates: do Grade Point Averages Matter? In Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems : INDECS, pp. 210-226. Croatian Interdisciplinary Society, Zagreb, 7
Zulfiu Alili, M., Ahmedi-Arifi, B., Bejtullahi, D. Irregular Migration and Smuggling of Migrants along North Macedonia. In RULE OF LAW, GOVERNANCE AND SOCIETY IN THE TIME OF PANDEMIC Book of Porceeedings of 2nd Online International Scientific Conference on Social and Legal Sciences (OISCSLS’20), pp. 217-225. South East European University, Skopje, 7 / 2021.
Zulfiu Alili, Merita and Adnett, Nick. (2021). Return migrants in Albania: The determinants of “entrepreneurial gain”. In Review of Development Economics , pp. 1-17. Wiley, USA, 3
Zulfiu Alili, M.. (2021). The Impact of Foreign Ownership on Wage Inequality and Skill Intensity . LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing , Germany, 3 / 2021. ISBN 978-6203471427.
Sirkeci, I and Zulfiu Alili, M. (Eds).(2020). The Migration Conference 2020 Proceedings: Migration and Integration. Transnational Press London. Paperback ISBN: 978-1-912997-42-8. Digital ISBN: 978-1-912997-88-6. Pages: 289.
Sirkeci, I and Zulfiu Alili, M. (Eds).(2020). The Migration Conference 2020 Proceedings: Migration and Politics. Transnational Press London. ISBN-10: 1912997827. ISBN-13: 978-1912997824. Pages:257.
Zulfiu Alili, M. (2020). The Impact of COVID-19 on Labour Market in North Macedonia. Proceedings of the 1st international scientific conference "Economic and Business Trends Shaping the Future". Faculty of Economics-Skopje, SS. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, North Macedonia. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/9705.
Zulfiu Alili, M., Kadriu, B. (2020). Youth Emigration from North Macedonia. Proceedings of the 8 th Migration Conference 2020. Transnational Press London. Tetovo, North Macedonia.
Mehmetaj, N. and Zulfiu Alili, M. (2020). Youth Graduates Employment. Country Studies of Albania and North Macedonia in Economics Programs. Proceedings of the ENTRENOVA 2020, Split, Croatia.
Kadriu, B., Zulfiu Alili, M., Aliji, Sh. (2020). Rule and Strategies of Good Governance in the Process of Integration, Case of North Macedonia. Proceedings in 1 st International Scientific Conference on Social and Legal Studies: “Good Governance and the Rule of Law in the Perspective of EU Integration”, SEEU, Skopje, North Macedonia.
Zulfiu Alili, M., Kreci, V., Krauss, A., Trunk, N. (2020). The Role of Volunteering in the Integration of Roma Children in Schools-Lessons for the Republic of North Macedonia. SEEU Review, vol. 14, issue 2, pp. 78-93.
Dermol, V., Krauss, A., Bernik, A. D., Muc, J. H., Garcia, T. J., Juana-Espinosa, S., Kadriu, B., Koren, A., Kreci, V., Verlic, L.S., Novak, T.A., Osmanovic, S., Perez, P.V., Liminana, R.A., Sebastio, A., Trunk, A., Zulfiu Alili, M., Sirca, T.N. (2020). EU Challenge to Build a Cohesive and Diverse Society-Step by Step towards Inclusion in School- A case of Roma and Migrant Population. Bangkok-Celje-Lublin: ToKnowPress. ISBN: 978-83-65020-27-7(printed). ISBN 978-83-65020-32-1
Danica Šantić & Marija Antić (2020) Serbia in the time of COVID‐19: between “corona diplomacy”, tough measures and migration management, Eurasian Geography and Economics, DOI: 10.1080/15387216.2020.1780457
Danica Šantić (2020) Leaving Serbia: aspirations, intentions and drivers for youth migration, Democracy and Human Rights, FES.
Todorović, M. Javor, V. & Radić, N. (2020). Emigracioni potencijal mladih u Srbiji. Migracijske i etničke teme, 36, 2-3: 155-171. DOI: 10.11567/met.36.2.2
Javor, V., Todorović, M. & Radić, N. (2020). Migration and youth in Serbia: Attitudes, intentions and motives. MIGREC: Migrant Integration Workshop.
Zulfiu Alili, M., Adnett, N., Veseli-Kurtishi, T. (2019). The Determinants of the Employment Status of Return Migrants in Albania . Migration Letters, vol. 16, no.4, pp. 625 – 636.
Zulfiu Alili, M., Kreci, V., Krauss, A., Trunk, N. (2019). Integration of Roma children in schools- Lessons for the Republic of North Macedonia. Proceedings in 3 rd International Scientific Conference on Business and Economics “Transition to Development: Emerging Challenges and Perspectives”, SEEU, Skopje, North Macedonia.
Alija, S., Zulfiu Alili, M., Kadriu, B., Arifi, A., Veseli- Kurtishi, T. (2019). Consolidation and sustainability of the pension system of Republic of Macedonia: an analysis of economic indicators. Proceedings in 3 rd International Scientific Conference on Business and Economics “Transition to Development: Emerging Challenges and Perspectives”, SEEU, Skopje, North Macedonia.
Zulfiu Alili, M., Kreci, V., Krauss, A., Trunk, N. (2019). Teachers for Migrant and Roma Integration in Schools: the Case of North Macedonia. The Migration Conference 2019 Bari Programme, Transnational Press London, Bari, Italy.
Minca, C, Šantić, D, Umek, D. (2019) Managing the “Refugee Crisis” along the Balkan Route: Field Notes from Serbia, The Oxford Handbook of Migration Crises, Edited by Cecilia Menjívar, Marie Ruiz, and Immanuel Ness, Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978‐0‐19‐085690‐8
Bobić, M., Šantić, D. (2019). Forced migration and externalization of European Union border control: Serbia on the Balkan migration route. International migration, Online version of record before inclusion in an issue, Category: M23; Impact factor: 0,881; DOI: 10.1111/imig.12622; ISSN: 0020‐7985
Minca, C., Santić, D., & Umek, D. (2019) Mapping the camp archipelago: Custody, care and mobility in Serbian refugee camps. In I. Katz, D. Martin, & C. Minca (Eds.), Camp Geographies Today (pp. 221–240), Boulder: Co, Rowman & Littelfield.
Todorović, M. (2019). Izazovi transnacionalizma među drugom generacijom srpskih migranata u Švajcarskoj. Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, 1 (99): 69-90.
Šantić, D., Filipović D., Spasovski M., Jakopin, E., Devedžić M., Antić, M., Knežević, A., Đorđević, A., Sudimac Mratinković, D., Radić, N., Đurkin, D., Javor, V. & Todorović, M. (2019). Istraživanje stavova i namera stanovništva o preseljavanju i utvrđivanje uticaja migracija na demografsko starenje u četiri jedinice lokalne samouprave, u cilju formulisanja preporuka za kreiranje mera populacione politike. Univerzitet u Beogradu – Geografski fakultet.
Zulfiu Alili, M. and Adnett, N. (2018). Did FDI Increase Wage Inequality in Transition Economies? International Journal of Social Economics, vol. 45, issue 9,pp. 1283-1304.
Zulfiu Alili, M. (2018). Return of highly skilled migrants in Macedonia and absorption of knowledge transferred. Collection of Policy Briefs. OSF Alumni as Policy Advisors in EU integration of the Western Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia.
Zulfiu Alili, M. (2018). Do Foreign-Owned Firms Provide More Formal Training Than Their Domestic Counterparts? European Journal of Sustainable Development, vol. 7, issue 4, pp. 302-316.
Šantić, D. (2018) Challenges in population politics toward migration in condition of uneven spatial distribution of population potentials in Serbia. Collection of Paper of Matica Srpska for social sciences, 167(3), Novi Sad, 651‐662.
Đorđević I, Šantić D., Živković Lj. (2018). Migrant children in schools in Serbia: Barrier or challenge for a new beginning, Demography journal, vol. 15, iss. 15, pp. 73‐92.
Umek, D., C. Minca, and D. Šantić (2018). The Refugee Camp as Geopolitics: The Case of Preševo, Serbia. In Mediterranean Mobilities edited by Maria Paradiso, 37–53. London: Springer.
Santic, D., Minca, C., Umek, D. (2018). ‘Stranded’ in Serbia – Immobility on the Balkan migration route. IGU Regional Conference – CAG Annual Meeting – NCGE Annual Conference Appreciating differences, Quebec City, 6-10 August.
Šantić, D., Antić, M., Predojević Despić, J., Lukić, V. (2018). How can migrants contribute to development of rural areas in Serbia?, Third Annual Conference of the Western BalkansMigration Network” A search for that special place under the sun in modern Europe: migration in the twenty first century”; Zagreb, May 25-26, 2018
Šantić, D., Predojević Despić, J., Lukić, V. (2018). Different perspectives on how migrants contribute to the rural development: the case of the municipality of Petrovac, East Serbia, Beyond economic contribution: Migrant identities, Workin lives and Social Ebeddedness, MICaRD research network,University of Lincoln, UK, 25-27 April 2018.
Todorović, M. (2018). Doprinos proučavanja migracionih fenomena u prostorno planerskoj praksi. Sedmi naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem – Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja, Zbornik radova mladih istraživača, Trebinje april 2018., Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Geografski fakultet, Grad Trebinje.
Brankovic, N.; Zulfiu Alili, M.; Kaleshi, E. and Djordjevic, B. (2017). Migration Crisis and Western Balkan Response: A crave for functional approach! Collection of Policy Briefs. Mind the Gap: Improving the Policy Impact of OSF Alumni Network in the Western Balkans. Serbia, Belgrade.
Zulfiu Alili, M. (2017). Foreign Ownership and Gender Wage Gap in Macedonia. Book of Abstracts in the 1st International Scientific Conference on Business and Economics (ISCBE). Macedonia, Tetovo.
Šantić, D, Minca, C, Umek, D. (2017): Tha Balkan Migration Route. Reflections from the Serbian Observatory. in: Bobić, Mirjana and Janković, Stefan (eds.) Towards Understanding of Contemporary Migration. Causes, Consequences, Policies, Reflection. Belgrade: Institute for sociological research Faculty of Philosophy, pp 221-239.
Santic, D. (2017). Serbia’s Response to the Current Migration Crisis: New Strategies and Policies for Managing Mixed Migration Flows? International conference on “EU asylum and migration policy“, Oct. 6 and 7 2017, Munk School of Global Affairs/University of Toronto
Santic, D. (2017). Migration Challenges and Regional Development: the case of East Serbia, International Conference on Migration, Diaspora and Development in Albania and in the Western Balkans Tirana, 27-28 October 2017
Minca, C., Umek, D., Santic, D. (2017). Balkan route is closed, migration persists, what now? 2nd Annual Conference of the Western Balkans Migration Network “Migration in the Western Balkans: What do we know?” Sarajevo, 19-20 May 2017
Bobić, M., Šantić D. (2017). Sigurnost EU vs. sigurnosti migranata: Srbija na Balkanskoj migracijskoj ruti, Nacionalne manjine u demokratskim društvima, Centar za međunarodne i sigurnosne studije Fakulteta političkih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 19. do 22. 05. 2017. str.3
Šantić, D., Antić, M., Sibinovic M., Ratkaj, I., Budović, A. (2017). Peripheral rural regions in Serbia – From emigration to revitalization, case study Knjaževac Municipality, Regional Studies Association Annual Conference: Great Regional Awakening, Dublin, 4-7 June 2017 pp. 199
Santic, D., Antic, M., Ratkaj, I., Budovic, A. (2017). Migration and Demographic Shrinkage in Rural Areas in Serbia, Regions Magazine 305(1): 9-11.
Šantić, D. (2017). Migracije stanovništva kao determinanta prostorne redistribucije stanovništva na Balkanskom Poluostrvu. Zbornik radova: Geopolitički procesi u savremenom Evroazijskom prostoru, Banja Luka, 31.5-4.6. 2017. str. 479-487.
Đorđević, D., Šantić, D. (2017): Migration as a factor of changing demographic profile of the EU, Facta Universitatis, Series: Economics and Organization, Vol. 14, No 1, pp. 71-82.
Radovanović, O. Šantić, D., Đorđević, D. (2017): Fertility of women out migrants: does reproductive behaviour changes with emigration? Case study – East Serbia, Teme, Journal of Social Science, Vol. XLI, No. 2, pp. 355-367.
Antić, M., Šantić, D., Kasanin‐Grubin, M., Malić, A. (2017). Sustainable Rural Development in Serbia – Relationship between Population Dynamics and Environment. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 18 (1), 323‐331. Category: M23; Impact factor: 0,679; ISSN: 1311‐5065
Zulfiu Alili, M. (2016). The Effect of Emigration on Macedonian Labour Market. Proceedings in the10th International Congress on Social Sciences. Madrid, Spain.
Zulfiu Alili, M. (2016). The Impact of Foreign Ownership on Provision of Training in Transition Economies. Proceedings in the International Conference on International Business 2016.Thessaloniki, Greece.
Spasovski, M., Šantić, D. (2016). Izučavanje migracija i porekla stanovništva u delima Borivoja Ž. Milojevića u kontekstu sagledavanja tranzicije migracionih fenomena u Srbiji, Tematski zbornik radova: Borivoje Ž. Milojević – život i delo (str. 273-289). Beograd: Univerzitet u Beogradu – Geografski fakultet.
Antić, M., Šantić, D., Ratkaj, I., Budović, A. (2016). Shrinkage process in rural Serbia: an outcome of rural – urban migration? Book of abstracts: International scientific conference “Contemporary migration in changing world: new perspectives and challenges“, Belgrade, 18-21 st September, (p. 50). Belgrade: University of Belgrade Faculty of Geography, Regional Study Association, MICaRD.
Šantić, D. (2016). Uloga Republike Srbije na Zapadno Balkanskoj migracionoj ruti. Međunarodna naučna konferencija “Savremene migracije i društveni razvoj: interdisciplinarna perspektiva” Instituta za sociološka istraživanja Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu, Srpskog sociološkog društva, Instituta društvenih nauka iz Beograda i Zavoda za proučavanje kulturnog razvitka iz Beograda.Beograd, 22-23. 10. 2016. str. 52.
Šantić, D., Đorđević, D. (2016). Savremena mobilnost stanovništva – da li je svet postao pokretljiviji? Naučni skup: “Globalni i regionalni aspekti migrantske krize i društvene posledice odliva mozgova po razvoj Srbije i Balkana”. Univerzitet u Nišu, Centar za naučnoistraživački rad SANU i Univerziteta u Nišu, Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu, 28.5.2016. Niš, str.2.
Šantić, D. (2016). Srbija na Balkanskoj migracionoj ruti – šta savremeni migracioni tokovi govore o nama? Međunarodni znantstveni skup: Migracije stanovništva – fenomen izbjeglištva, IMIN, Zagreb, 18 i 19. Novembar 2016.
Spasovski, M., Šantić, D. (2016): Republic of Serbia – the country where various migration phenomenons are intertwining from the past to the present days. “Contemporary Migration in a Changing World: New Perspectives and Challenges”, Conference Belgrade. pp. 17.
Šantić, D., Kozlovs, M., Antić, M. (2016): Migrant Remittances in Serbia, a New Approach. Collection of papers: 4 th International Congress “Migration in XXI century, Causes and Consequences”, Brčko, 25. mart 2016. (vol. 2, рр. 37-50). Brčko: Evropski Univerzitet Brčko Distrikt; Tuzla: Evropski Univerzitet “Kallos”.
Šantić, D., Obradović, S. (2016). Migraciona politika Evropske Unije, Demografija Međunarodni časopis za demografska i ostala društvena istraživanja, 13, str. 117-128.
Šantić, D., Spasovski, M. (2016): Contemporary world migration – towards new terminology, patterns and policies, Builten of Serbian Geographic Society, 96(2), 5-17.
Spasovski M., Šantić D. (2016) Population Mobility as a Determinant of Development and Spatial Distribution of Population in Serbia in the Last Fifty Years, The Bulletin of Institute of Ethnography SASA, DOI: 10.2298/GEI151019006S; UDC: 314.7(497.11)”195/20, pp. 453‐467
Botrić, V. (2016) Attitudes towards immigrants, immigration policies and labour market outcomes: comparing Croatia with Hungary and Slovenia, Croatian International Relations Review, 22(76): 5-28
Botrić, V. (2016) Nezaposlenost i dugotrajna nezaposlenost doseljenih u Hrvatsku, Migracijske i etničke teme, 32(1): 63-8
Gregurović, M., Kuti, S. and Župarić-Ilić, D. (2016) Attitudes towards immigrant workers and asylum seekers in eastern Croatia: dimensions, determinants and differences. Migracijske i etničke teme, 32(1): 91–122
Zulfiu Alili, M. (2015). An Empirical Investigation of the Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on the Skill Intensity of Host Country Employment. Procedia Economics and Finance, vol. 26, pp. 623-629.
Zulfiu Alili, M. (2015). An Empirical Investigation of the Role of FDI on Wage Inequality in Transition Economies. Proceedings in 11th International Conference Challenges of Europe: Growth, competitiveness and inequality. Split-Hvar, Croatia.
Santić, D., Martinović M. (2015): Labour migration from Serbia to EU – trends and perspectives, Regional Studies Association Annual Conference, Piacenza, 24-27. May 2015.
Šantić, D. (2015): Prostornа distribucija migrantskog stanovništva u Srbiji na početku XXI veka, Znanstvena Konferencija: Migracije i etničnost na početku XXI stoleća. 26. Februar 2015, Zagreb. str. 11.
Šantić D. (2015) Global Challenges of Contemporary Migration, Collection of paper:4 th Congress of Serbian Geographers, Achievements, Actualities and Challenges, On the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Jovan Cvijic, University of Belgrade‐Faculty of Geography, Serbian Geographical Society, Belgrade. Pp 351‐356
Gashi, A. And Adnett, N. (2015) The Determinants of Return Migration: Evidence for Kosovo, Croatian Economic Survey, Volume 17 (2), pp. 57-81.
Oruc, N. (2015) Urban IDPs and Poverty: Analysis of the Effect of Mass Displacement on Urban Poverty in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatian Economic Survey, 17(1)
Botrić, V. (2015) Relative labour market outcomes of immigrants in Croatia, Economics and sociology, 8(3) 197-214
Botrić, V. (2015) Immigrants’ characteristics and the Croatian labour market: an explorative study, Migracijske i etničke teme, 31(1): 39-63
Vidovic, H., Mara, I. (2015) Free movement of workers, transitional arrangements and potential mobility from Croatia, WIIW Research Report, No. 402
Zulfiu Alili, M. (2014). Inward Foreign Direct Investment and Wage Inequality in Macedonia. Eastern European Economics, vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 56-86.
Zulfiu Alili, M. (2014). Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Transition Economies with Particular Reference to Macedonia's Performance. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-659-53627-4.
Zulfiu Alili, M. (2014). Simulation Analysis of the Effects of Increased Foreign Ownership on Wage Inequality. Academicus International Scientific Journal, issue 9, pp. 140-158.
Spasovski, M., Šantić, D. (2014): Spatial distribution of migrants in Serbia at the beggining of XXI century, All about Census 2011. The final Conference, 3rd Session, http://popis2011.stat.rs/?page_id=2517
Gëdeshi I., Cela E., Kamberi G. (2014) Roma migration: is it a poverty-coping method?, Quarterly Journal of the European Roma justifys Center, Budapest, Hungary
Rizvanolli, A. & Gashi, A. (2014) SEE 2020 Strategy Study on Labour Mobility: Kosovo Country Report. Vienna: wiiw.
Gassie E., Gëdeshi I. (2013) Interaction between family network and firm growth in Albania, GDN/CERGE-EI Paper
Kotorri, M., Rizvanolli, A. & Peci, F. (2013). Migration and its Impact From the Economic Development Perspective of a Home Country: With special reference to Kosovo. Prishtina: EDG.
Zulfiu Alili, M. (2012). An Empirical Investigation of the Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on the Skill Intensity of Host Country Employment. Book of Abstracts in EBEEC 2012 conference. EBEEC, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Zulfiu Alili, M. (2012). The Impact of Foreign Ownership on Wage Inequality in Macedonia. Proceedings in International Balkan Congress. Suleyman Sah University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Spasovski, M., Šantić, D. (2012). Savremena pitanja i problemi razmeštaja stanovništva Srbije u svetlu aktivnosti populacione politike i prostornog planiranja, Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora, Zbornik radova, Geografski fakultet, Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, Beograd, str. 259-269.
Gëdeshi I., de Zwager N. (2012) Effects of the Global Crisis on Migration and Remittances in Albania, in the book Migration and Remittances during the Global Financial Crisis and Beyond, edited by Ibrahim Sirkeci, Jeffrey H. Cohen, Dilip Ratha, The World Bank
Gëdeshi I., Jorgoni E. (2012) Social Impact of Emigration and Rural-Urban Migration in Central and Eastern Europe. Albania.
Gashi, A. and Haxhikadrija, A. (2012) Social Impact of Emigration and Rural-Urban Migration in Central and Eastern Europe: Kosovo Country Report, national expert from Kosovo for Gesellschaft für Versicherungswissenschaft und -gestaltung e.V., On behalf of the European Commission DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.
Gashi, A., Shabani, A. & Rizvanolli, A. (2013) Facilitating Diaspora Investments and Savings in Kosovo: Pre-Assessment and Mapping of Various Tested and Innovative Models at Central and Local Level. Prishtina: UNDP and IOM.
Kaludjerovic, J. and Radojevic, G. (2012), “Impact of Migration on Labour Market and Social Exclusion in Montenegro”, Entrepreneurial Economy Postgraduate Studies “Entrepreneurial Economy; Faculty for International Economy, Finance and Business, University of Donja Gorica, Montenegro,
Barnes, S. and Oruc, N. (2012) “Reversing Bosnian ‘Brain Drain’: Opportunities and Challenges”, in Arandarenko and Bartlett (eds.) “Labour Market and Skills in the Western Balkans, FREN, Belgrade
Oruc, N. (2012) “Do Social Transfers ‘Crowd-Out’ Remittances: The Case of Bosnia”, SEEU Review, 7 (1), pp. 39-65
Kacapor-Dzihic, Z. and Oruc, N. (2012) “Social Impact of Emigration and Rural-Urban Migration in Central and Eastern Europe – Country Report Bosnia-Herzegovina”, EU Commission Report
Oruc, N., Barnes, S., and Alic, A. (2012) “To BiH or not to BiH? A report on the return of young Diaspora to the BiH labour market”, IOM Report
Zulfiu Alili, M. (2011). The Impact of Foreign Ownership on Labour Market Inequality in Macedonia. Proceedings in Economic & Social Challenges 2011- Globalization and Sustainable Development conference. University of Tirana, Albania.
Šantić, D. (2011): Beograd kao pol koncentracije migrantskog stanovništva jugoistočne Evrope, Treći kongres srpskih geografa, Zbornik radova, PMF Banja Luka, Geografski fakultet Beograd.
Gëdeshi I. (2010) Global Crisis and Migration – Monitoring a Key Transmission Channel for the Albanian Economy, UNDP., WB.,Tirana, 2010.
de Zwager, N., Gressmann, W., Gëdeshi, I. (2010) Market Analysis: Albania – Maximising the Development-Impact of Migration-related Financial Flows and Investment to Albania, Vienna, August 2010.
de Zwager, N., Gressmann, W., Gëdeshi, I. (2010) Market Analysis: Kosovo – Maximising the Development-Impact of Migration-related Financial Flows and Investment to Kosovo, Vienna, October 2010
Oruc, N. (2010) “Remittances and Social Transfers in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Testing for the “Crowding-Out” effect”, wiiw Balkan Observatory Working paper No. 92
Rexhepi, S. and Zulfiu, M. (2009). Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Sustainable Development in Transition Countries: Case of Macedonia. Proceedings in Ankara University International Conference on Marketing and Entrepreneurship. Ankara University, Antalya, Turkey.
King, R., Vullnetari, J. and Gëdeshi, I. (eds) (2009) ‘Migration and Development in Albania and Kosovo’, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 9(4): 385–588.
Oruc, N. (2009) “Self-Selection in Conflict-Induced Migration: Micro Evidence from Bosnia”, wiiw Balkan Observatory Working paper No. 78
Zulfiu, M. (2008). Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Transition Economies: With particular Reference to Macedonia's Performance. Working Paper, N°19. FIW, Austria.
Zulfiu, M. (2008). "Pse investimet e huaja direkte janë të rëndësishme"(Why Foreign Direct Investments are important?), Valuta, Macedonia.
Gëdeshi I. (2008) The Relationship between Migration and Socio-Economic Changes in Albania, DER DONAURAUM, Vienna, Austria
Gëdeshi I., Germenji E. (2008)Highly Skilled Migration from Albania: An Assessment of Current Trends and the Ways Ahead, DRC Migration, Globalisation and Development
Gëdeshi I., Gjokuta E. (2008) Living Together. MyGrant Cities, British Council
Šantić, D. (2007): Raseljena lica sa Kosova i Metohije na teritoriji grada Beograda, Demografija- Međunarodni časopis za demografska i ostala društvena istraživanja, knj. IV, Beograd, str. 91-102.
Mustafa, M., Kotorri, M., Gashi, P., Gashi, A., and Demukaj, V. (2007) Diaspora and migration policies, Riinvest, Prishtina
Šantić, D. (2006): Stanovnici Grada Beograda na radu i boravku u inostranstvu. Zbornik radova sa naučnog skupa: Srbija i savremeni procesi u Evropi i svetu, Geografski fakultet, Trebinje, Beograd.
Gëdeshi I. (2006) From brain drain to brain gain: Mobilising Albania’s skilled diaspora, in the book TAMAS K., PALME J., eds., How Migration Can Benefit Development, Institute for Future Studies
Gëdeshi I., Black R. (2006) From Brain Drain to Brain Gain: Mobilising Albania’s Skilled Diaspora, A policy paper for the Government of Albania. UNDP, Tirana
Gëdeshi I. (2006) At Risk: The Social Vulnerability of Roma in Albania, UNDP, Tirana
De Soto H., Beddies S., Gëdeshi I. (2005) Roma and Egyptians in Albania: From social exclusion to social inclusion, The World Bank, Washington D.C.
De Zwager N., Gëdeshi I., Germenji E., Nikas Ch. (2005) Competing for remittances, IOM, Tirana, 2005
Uruci E., Gëdeshi I. (2003) Remittances management in Albania, Programma Migration, CeSPI.
Šantić, D. (2004). Uticaj migracione komponente na demografske potencijale pojedinih vangradskih naselja u Srbiji, Glasnik SGD-a, sv. LXXXIV, br. 2, Beograd, str. 207-212.
Spasovski, M., Šantić, D. (2004): Migrant population of Serbia. Survey Serbia and Montenegro, Vol. XLV, no 4, Belgrade. pp. 5-15.
Milicic, D., Sreckovic, J. (2002): Displaced persons from Kosovo i Metohija, thereconsideration of the geographic approach in the context of globalization, Temisoara.
Spasovski, M., Miličić, D. (2002): Noviji pristupi u politici prema internacionalnim migracijama u svetu. Zbornik radova Ekološka istina, 555-558.
Gëdeshi I. (2002) The Role of Remittances from Albanian Emigrants and their Influence in the Country’s Economy, Eastern European Economics, Vol. 40, N.5
Gëdeshi I. (2002) The Role of Remittances from Albanian Emigrants and their Influence in the Country’s Economy, in Kotios and Petrakos (Eds.) Restructuring and Development in Southeastern Europe, University of Thessaly Press, SEED