The Institute for Strategic Studies and Prognoses (ISSP) established by Professor Veselin Vukotic, with some his young colleagues, in 1997, is the first independent economic institute in Montenegro.
The ISSP is the leading independent economic think tank in Montenegro, serving as:
· An institution to set the agenda for advocating reform;
· A vehicle to communicate economic change through data, analysis and publications; and
· A training ground for a cadre of young economists, analysts, lawyers and other experts to understand the elements and analytical requirements for economic transformation.
The Institute focuses on key policy issues including currency, banking, fiscal, social, capital market and pension reform. ISSP’s research, policy papers and other analytical information provide a forum for debate and allow the business community and the government to make projections based on unbiased, well-researched data. ISSP surveys and national and regional seminars have spurred decision makers to address and define priorities. The organization is recognized as a valuable contributor to economic policy reform activities, both as a source of information and analysis and as a catalyst for advocacy. ISSP strategic vision of Montenegro is based on economic freedom, private property, openness of economy, institutions of market economy, DM and EURO as only legal tender, as well as development of Montenegro as micro state.